Sue Lauther settled in Colorado Springs and teaching at Colorado College and the Ormao Dance Company Studios, Sue Lauther (MFA U of Illinois ’88) has served as a teacher, performer, technical theater/producer and choreographer for projects around the world: Argentina, Taiwan, New Zealand, Ecuador, Mexico, Australia, Jordan, Costa rica, and the US: The emma Willard School, Troy, NY; Utah State U, Logan; NW State U of Louisiana; Saint Mary’s, Notre Dame, IN; and Lane CC, Eugene, OR. Currently teaching Contact Improvisation at Colorado College, she finds joy in the metaphors, accuracy, and sensation of riding that dance form. Sue fills in when she can at Ormao. She loves preparing to teach class, asking questions that may make a performance run more smoothly, creating improvisational dance structures for private affairs and watching dancers interpret choreography and express their most dynamic selves. Being involved in dance at Ormao and at Colorado College is a gift that keeps on giving.